File Operations

You may create, save, and recall files from the File Menu or from the toolbar buttons just beneath the menu on the RISA Toolbar. Importing and exporting other file types may also be accomplished from the File Menu.

Starting Off

When you open the program or start a new model, you are presented with the following options: Draw Members, Draw Plates, Generate a Model, and Go to the File Open Dialog

The first group of options is to help you to create a new model by drawing members or plates or by generating with a template. The second group of options helps you open existing files by showing you the most recent files or letting you find the model you want in the Open File Dialog.

Creating a New Model

Opening an Existing Model

  1. On the RISA toolbar click the Open File button.
  2. In the Look In field click the drive, folder, or location that contains the file.
  3. In the folder list, double-click the folders until you open the folder that contains the file you want.
  4. Double-click the file you want to open.


Saving a New Untitled Model

  1. On the RISA toolbar click the Save Model button.
  2. To save the model in a different folder, click a different drive in the Save in field, or double-click a different folder in the folder list. To save the model in a new folder click the Create New Folder button.
  3. In the File name field type a name for the document. You can use long, descriptive filenames if you want.
  4. Click Save.

Saving an Existing Model

  1. On the RISA toolbar click the Save Model button.

Appending Models

You may append other models into the current model by choosing Append from the File menu. This lets you have a library of common model parts that you can use later or to divide projects into smaller parts and later combine them. This feature does not allow you to combine two unopened models. You must first open one of the models, and then append the second model into the first model. If you want to have an unmodified copy of the first model, you will need to save the new combined model under a new file name.

You can only append files from version 6.0 and newer ,files. If you’ve got an older file that you want to append, you will first need to open that file by itself and save it.

Your appended model will be placed in the current model using the original coordinate data that was in the appended model. The appended model is NOT moved to the origin of the current model. So, if the appended model had an X coordinate of 9.0 for all joints, then it will be placed at a X coordinate of 9.0 in the current model.

The Drawing Toolbar will already be opened in the model view so that you can easily adjust the placement of your appended model using the graphics editing tools. The entire original model will automatically be unselected and your appended model will be selected. If you're going to make several adjustments to the position of your appended model, you should probably click the Lock Unselected    button. Then you can use the graphical editing tools to put your appended model where you want it in the current model.

You can use the labels for the Joints, Members, and Plates to help identify the parts as you append them into your current model. Use the Relabel Joints, Relabel Members, and Relabel Plates options on the Tools menu to make the label prefix unique for each of your model parts before you append them.


For additional advice on this topic, please see the RISA Tips & Tricks webpage at Type in Search keywords: Append.

Importing and Exporting Files 

You may import DXF drawing files and BIM Exchange files. See DXF Files and Appendix E for more on these file types.

To Import Other File Types

  1. On the File menu click Import.
  2. Choose the File Type.
  3. Select the file you wish to import.
  4. Choose from the options associated with the type of file.
  5. Perform a Model Merge. See Model Merge for more information.

To Export Other File Types

  1. On the File menu click Export.
  2. Choose the File Type in the drop down list.
  3. Select the file you wish to export.
  4. Choose from the options associated with the type of file.

Exporting to Excel Spreadsheet

You may export Result spreadsheets into Excel spreadsheet:

  1. On the File menu click Export.
  2. Choose Excel File.
  3. Select export options , you can select to export an entire RISA result spreadsheet or an individual RISA result section.

  4. Select the folder to export the spreadsheet and export.

Automatic Backup

RISA-2D provides an automatic backup system for systematically backing up your models. The purpose of this is to provide a means for you to recover your data in the event RISA-2D or your computer closes unexpectedly. As you work within RISA-2D your model is saved with a "_backup" suffix to a model backup folder. By default, this automatic save operation takes place every 5 minutes, but you can alter the timing and location with the Application Settingson the Tools Menu. Backups for the last 100 models that you worked on are saved, although you can control how many models are backed up with the Application Settings option on the Tools Menu.

If RISA-2D does close unexpectedly, the next time you start the program the following message will appear:

If this message appears and you answer "Yes", you will be directed to the backup folder which contains all of the model backups. If you answer "No" then the program will proceed with opening a new model, or the model that you double-clicked on to open the program.